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General Design (Map)

General Messages Choices
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- Family, Freedom and Faith are a part of America’s Story.
- In God We Trust is more than a motto.
- America is the land of the free because of the brave.
- Americans haven't fought for freedom to be enslaved by government.
- America is unique because of our founding values and principles.
- Separation of Church and State never meant removing God from public life.
- Liberty must be understood and protected or it could slip away from us.
- A strong America is good for the world, both economically and for freedom’s
sake. - God Bless America. Shed Your Grace on her. Stand beside her and guide her
from sea to shining sea. - America’s system has never been based on re-distributing wealth, but rather on
offering people opportunities to improve their lives. - Americans want our social programs to empower people to become independent
rather than increase their dependency on government. - Our Republic requires that “we the people” take responsibility for holding our
Government accountable. - How well someone hears your point of view may depend on how respectfully you
state your opinion. - Our “melting pot approach” to legal immigration works best when we put unity
before diversity - The more government takes care of people, the less people will take care of
themselves and each other. - Americans are grateful for the bravery of the men and women who have helped
keep our country free. - Americans have the right to their own opinions and that respectfully delivered
opinions should be allowed to be expressed in the public arena. - Most of our founding values originated from our Judeo-Christian roots, which have
given religious freedom to all Americans. - At the core of our foundation is God’s inspired Truth that every person is equal in
value and created with certain God given rights. - Political correctness should be replaced with a combination of common sense,
honesty and respect. - The Bible inspired the idea of brotherhood in America and serving one anther is
a part of who we are.
Character Design (Maze)

Character Messages Choices
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- Parenting is a maze of choices. Put Character above achievement.
- When public decency breaks down, freedom itself is threatened.
- Life is a maze of choices. Self-Discipline can turn dreams into reality.
- Parenting is a maze of choices. Teach kids to be respectful of their teachers.
- Strong self-esteem comes from overcoming challenges and contributing to a higher purpose than yourself.
- Parenting is a maze of choices. Promote reading and family time over screen time.
- Life is a maze of choices. Exercise responsibility when making decisions that will influence America’s youth.
- Make a difference by mentoring a child.
- Freedom creates a maze of choices. It requires less government and more personal responsibility.
- Parenting is a maze of choices. Reduce some risky behaviors by teaching critical thinking.
- One can be a good person and still be misinformed. Search for Truth.
- Life is a maze of choices. Character always matters!
- Life is a maze of choices. God allows U-turns.
- Life is a maze of choices. Choose to contribute in meaningful ways.
- Life is a maze of choices. Opportunities for service are around us daily.
Spiritual Design (Sun)
Spiritual Messages Choices
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- Don’t judge God by how confused man gets.
- Faith is a matter of free choice and should not be forced upon someone.
- God created freedom. He won’t force a heart to come to Him.
- God gave all men a conscience, free will and the capacity to choose good over evil.
- God remains the same. It’s man that keeps trying to change God.
- When you’re seeking wisdom, try asking God for it.
- Living life to the fullest involves living with truth, meaning and a purpose.
- May lies be exposed and God’s Truth prevail.
- Your conscience is related to your spirit. Pay attention. God may be trying to reach
you. - If science can’t explain man’s spirit, why would man look to science to understand
God? - Man is always on a quest for knowledge, but real wisdom comes in realizing there is
Truth beyond knowledge. - Man has a body to experience the world, a mind to discover great things and
a spirit to connect with God. - Wisdom is blocked for some and given to others. Perhaps it depends on who is
really seeking Truth? - Having security about an afterlife should never lead to indifference about this one.
- The problems that people encounter can bring them to their knees in prayer. Could
the same be true for a nation? - How do you gain wisdom? Remove your agendas and ask God.
- If we want to find God, we must humble ourselves and give up control.
- When we move away from God as a nation, are we moving away from Truth and
Mind, Body, Spirit
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- Truth, meaning and purpose are worth pursuing.
- Integrity is doing the right thing when no one is watching.
- Why do critical thinkers often ask why?
- If you are confused, try gaining insight through writing.
- People achieve success by learning from their mistakes.
- Serve a higher purpose than yourself.
- Reclaim Our Culture in character, reasoning and purpose.
- In every situation, character always matters.
- Clarity can lead to truth and understanding.
Eagle Design (Eagle & Map)
Eagle Messages Choices
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- Search for Truth
- Rediscover Common Sense
- Understand Freedom
- Reclaim Our Culture
- Character Always Matters
- Hold the Media Accountable
- Be an Informed Voter
- Freedom Requires Personal Responsibility
- May God’s Truth and Wisdom Prevail
- More Government is not the Answer
- Value Clarity and Truth
Baby Design (Circle Logo)

Kids and Baby Product Messages Choices
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- “NO” symbol through the word “TV”
- Reclaim Our Culture
- In God We Trust
- The next Great Generation
- Teach me Character and Values
- United We ROC
- Yeah to Family Meals!
- I want to ROC and Roll
- Character Always Matters
Puzzle Design
Heritage Design (Flag)

Heritage Messages Choices
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- “The happy union of these states is a wonder. Their Constitution is a miracle; their
example the hope of liberty throughout the world.” James Madison - "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are
endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights that among these are Life,
Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Thomas Jefferson - “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and
morality are indispensable supports” George Washington - “In France, I had almost always seen the spirit of religion and the spirit of freedom
marching in opposite directions. But in America, I found they were intimately
united.” Tocqueville (1830’s French writer). - “Here is my creed: I believe in one God, the Creator of the universe. That He governs by His providence. That He ought to be worshipped. That the most acceptable service we render to Him is in doing good to His children.” George Washington
- “I thank God that I have lived to see my country independent and free. She may
long enjoy her independence and freedom if she will. It depends on her virtue.”
Richard Henry Lee - “A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take
everything you have.” Thomas Jefferson - “To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual
debt.” Thomas Jefferson - “Human law must rest its authority ultimately upon the authority of that law which is
Divine…Far from being rivals or enemies, religion and law are twin sisters, friends
and Mutual assistants.” James Wilson (original Supreme Court Justice) - “You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.”… “You cannot lift the wage
earner up by pulling the wage payer down.”… “You cannot further the brotherhood
of man by inciting class hatred.” Abraham Lincoln - “You cannot build character and courage by taking away people’s initiative and
independence.” … “You cannot help people permanently by doing for them what
they could and should do for themselves.” Abraham Lincoln - “Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price,
bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure
the survival and the success of liberty.” John F. Kennedy - “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”
John F. Kennedy - “No arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will
and moral courage of free men and women.” Ronald Reagan - “If we ever forget that we’re one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone
under.” Ronald Reagan
Mind Design (Light Bulb)
Mind Messages Choices
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- “Good intentions don’t guarantee good outcomes”
- “It helps to hear both sides of issues when searching for truth”
- “You can disagree with someone without being disagreeable”
- “Agendas can blind us from seeing the truth”
- “If more politicians would respect the truth, better solutions would follow”
- “Clarity is essential before agreeing or disagreeing”
- Why do some refuse to hear the other side of issues?
- “First tell the truth, then state your opinion”. Quote by Dennis Prager
- “Wisdom is greater than intelligence”
- “Asking thought-provoking questions encourages critical thinking”
- “Clarity can lead to understanding even when it doesn’t lead to agreement”
- “Bring back critical thinking by using common sense, logic and discernment”
- “How can anyone stand for diversity of behaviors, but not tolerate diversity of
opinions? - “Clarify differences in desired outcomes before looking at solutions to problems”
- “Don’t let political “trigger words” block your ability to hear logic”
- “How do you discover if your logic is faulty? Expose yourself to the other side of an
issue.” - “Judge ideas on their merits, not on your assumptions of a person’s motives.”
- “Many opinions are formed based on wrong assumptions of truth. Discover debate.”
Mind Design (Brain)

Mind Messages Choices
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- “Good intentions don’t guarantee good outcomes”
- “It helps to hear both sides of issues when searching for truth”
- “You can disagree with someone without being disagreeable”
- “Agendas can blind us from seeing the truth”
- “If more politicians would respect the truth, better solutions would follow”
- “Clarity is essential before agreeing or disagreeing”
- Why do some refuse to hear the other side of issues?
- “First tell the truth, then state your opinion”. Quote by Dennis Prager
- “Wisdom is greater than intelligence”
- “Asking thought-provoking questions encourages critical thinking”
- “Clarity can lead to understanding even when it doesn’t lead to agreement”
- “Bring back critical thinking by using common sense, logic and discernment”
- “How can anyone stand for diversity of behaviors, but not tolerate diversity of
opinions? - “Clarify differences in desired outcomes before looking at solutions to problems”
- “Don’t let political “trigger words” block your ability to hear logic”
- “How do you discover if your logic is faulty? Expose yourself to the other side of an
issue.” - “Judge ideas on their merits, not on your assumptions of a person’s motives.”
- “Many opinions are formed based on wrong assumptions of truth. Discover debate.”
Protest Design (Protest Signs)
Protest Messages Choices
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- “The News Page is for Facts!” + “Save your Biases for the Opinion Page!”
- “Hollywood isn’t Real!” + “Our Soldiers are the Real Celebrities!”
- “Media Agendas Change the News!” + “Media Agendas Distort the Truth!”
- “Don’t let Hollywood define our Culture!” + “The drama on TV doesn’t
reflect America” - “Hollywood, Stop the SMUT! (Sexual Material Unacceptable for Teens)” + “Replace SMUT with Creativity, Inspiration and Talent!”
- “We want News, not Drama and Sensationalism!” + “The Media Distorts America!”
- “America’s Children are Watching” + “People with Influence must be more
Responsible!” - “Bring on a new Era of Responsibility” + “Stop using Sex to Sell Products”
- “Don’t let Hollywood Define what’s “Normal!” + “Hollywood, Stop Lowering the
Bar in our Culture!” - “Media, Stop withholding the News you Don’t Like!” + “Uniformed Voters Don’t
Make Good Decisions!” - “Understand how the Media manipulates You!” + “Saying something over and over
doesn’t make it TRUE!”
Bumper Sticker Design (Main ROC Logo)
Bumper Sticker Messages Choices
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- In God We Trust
- Rediscover Common Sense
- Understand Freedom
- Reclaim Our Culture
- Character Always Matters
- One Nation Under God
- Hold the Media Accountable
- We Need Informed Voters
- Put Unity Before Diversity
- Freedom Requires Personal Responsibility
- Put Character Before Achievement
- May God’s Truth and Wisdom Prevail
- More Government is Not the Answer
- Let’s ROC!
- Value Clarity and Truth
- I Support The 5-2-1 Project
- Make a Difference Mentor a Child.
- United We ROC!
5-2-1 Design

Main ROC Logo