What if...
  • more Americans understood how unique America’s early history and heritage is?
  • more Americans understood that "separation of church and state" has to do with protecting faith in America, not in keeping God out of public life?
  • more politicians were honest and clear about their long term goals for America so voters could decide if they agreed with their vision before hearing their ideas?
  • more politicians would respectfully debate issues without personally attacking someone with a differing opinion?
  • more parents taught their children how to stand up for character and values?
  • adults in Hollywood, entertainers and advertisers were more responsible regarding the material they dump into our culture?
  • the “news” portions of the Media only investigated truth and reported the news?
Concerned or frustrated?

Tired of “what ifs”? Join us at ROC in “reclaiming our culture”. Let your voice be heard. Help us spread the word.

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