Email to Family and Friends

*** Help us spread the word about ROC by creating your own email to send to family and friends.  Simply highlight the message below, copy and paste it to your own email.  Send it to everyone on your email list so together, we can start to reclaim our culture again.  Thank you!

I’m sending you this email to inform you about a great website called Reclaim Our Culture at  If you like the message at “ROC”, please pass it on to everyone you know who might as well.  On this website, you can buy gift items for friends and family, stock up on some great cards and purchase items with ROC messages on them that speak from the heart.  You can also pick up some interesting facts about our heritage and discover an exciting new project, called the 5-3-1 Project that promotes strong character and values. 

Join ROC in helping inspire and promote solid character and values in America, without negative political bashing in the process. 

Through this website, you can purchase ROC products with powerful ROC messages on them.  The ROC messages are designed to out-message the negative messages in our culture today. 

We can reclaim our culture! … Let your voice be heard! … United We ROC! 

I make no claims that something will or will not happen to you if you do or do not pass this on (other than … someone might be grateful to you for telling them about ROC!) 

From a friend of Reclaim Our CultureFrom a friend of Reclaim Our Culture