Introducing The 5-3-1 Focus

The 5-3-1 Focus is a project connected to ROC designed to positively influence our culture in the area of character development. The focus is on 5 values - honesty, respect, responsibility, self-discipline and goodness; 2 strategies - critical thinking and resiliency; and 1 purpose - serving a higher purpose than yourself. The motto for 5-3-1 is “Prioritizing life in a complex world”.

The 5-3-1 Focus will target three different groups.

High School Clubs

The first group will be high school students through high school 5-3-1 clubs. After becoming familiar with the 5 values, 2 life strategies and 1 purpose, the club members will take the character message to middle school clubs. Students will have opportunities to purchase 5-3-1 t-shirts and 5-3-1 rubber wristbands if they choose to do so. If you are interested in starting a 5-3-1 club at their school or helping high school students start a club, go to Join ROC.

High School Youth Groups

The second group targeted will be high school students in youth organizations and youth groups. After they are trained on the concepts, they will take the message to middle school youth organizations and middle school youth groups. If you are interested in learning how to join The 5-3-1 Focus through their youth group or support high school students with this, go to Join ROC.


The third group that will be targeted are parents that find The 5-3-1 Focus on the website. They will have the opportunity to read about Teaching The 5-3-1 Character Traits and applying them at home as they pick and choose or go even one step further and take The 5-3-1 Dinner Challenge, which turns The 5-3-1 character information into a family game.

Another positive aspect of The 5-3-1 Dinner Challenge is the opportunity it provides to connect with your children. Connecting With Your Children is not always an easy thing to do as a family these days with all the activities competing for everyone’s attention. However, connecting with children is as important as teaching your children values, life strategies and living life with purpose.

In addition to managing family time together, there are other Obstacles to Parenting that often interfere with our good intentions. This is why parenting must be purposeful and deliberate at times and intuitive and instinctual at others.