5-3-1 High School Youth Group Leadership Teams

A big part of “reclaiming our culture” involves promoting strong character in our citizens, which includes promoting solid values, critical thinking and the idea of serving others.  This is more important these days than ever for our young people in order to counter balance what many of our public institutions and private industries are doing that undermine their character. 

Adults in our culture have on-going decisions to make of either choosing to contribute to the negative influences on our youth, such as adding to their constant exposure to inappropriate sexual material or choosing to contribute to them in positive ways by helping them to become young adults of good and strong character. We believe that young people are aching to be giving clearer direction from responsible adults, as well as given opportunities to contribute to our society in meaningful ways.

The 5-3-1 Focus is all about developing good and strong character and contributing in meaningful ways. One very important aspect of this focus is encouraging and supporting high school students to start 5-3-1 Leadership Teams within their youth groups. The main purpose for having 5-3-1 Leadership Teams is to take the 5-3-1 Character message to middle school students at their middle school youth groups. Because middle school students often look up to high school students, it should become a win-win situation for everyone involved.

You may purchase a 5-3-1 Focus rubber wristband (bluish green) for $3.00 or 20 of them for $2.00 by contacting us by email at 531@reclaimourculture.net