Teaching the 5-3-1 Focus

We at ROC believe that parents have the most important job in our culture today.  The job is challenging, confusing, and rewarding at the same time.  You may feel like you are failing as a parent at times, but never let that feeling stop you from continuing to try.  You may not see the results of all of your efforts until years later.  In order to break through some of the confusion, we created The 5-3-1 Focus.  Our motto is “prioritizing life in a complex world”.  The belief behind this focus is that children need to internalize values, learn life strategies and find purpose and meaning in their lives for their own well-being and for the well-being of our society.

“The 5-3-1 Focus” highlights 5 Character Values (Honesty, Respect, Responsibility, Goodness and Self-Discipline), 3 Life Strategies (Critical Thinking, Gratitude and Resiliency) and 1 Purpose (Serving a purpose higher than yourself). We believe that parents are kids’ most important teachers. We are encouraging parents to make character development a priority in their parenting and for educators to consider these 9 character traits when designing character programs for their school. A general way to teach the 5-3-1 character traits are listed below:

  1. Talk about each of the 9 character traits and each one’s importance.  Define the meaning of the words in ways that your children will understand their meaning.
  2. Prioritize these character factors verbally and in practice so that children know how you feel about them and know that character is more important than many other activities, experiences or material items.
  3. Model the 9 character traits yourself.
  4. Notice when your child is demonstrating one of the traits and reinforce his/her decision to do so with a positive comment of your own.

You can find more information on each character trait by clicking on a specific trait. We have a curriculum available at no cost for anyone to use in their youth organization, club or school. There is both a faith based version and a secular version available to those organizations that have restrictions on content. It is our belief that advancing strong character in our culture is aligned with God’s will regardless of whether it is faith based or secular based.

521 Character Traits

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  • Honesty

  • Respect

  • Responsibility

  • Self-Discipline

  • Goodness

  • Critical Thinking

  • Resiliency

  • Purpose