Supporting The 5-3-1 Focus

The 5-3-1 Focus is set up for families to do on their own at home, as well as high school students to take to middle school students.  If you are interested in supporting the High School 5-3-1 Clubs, the High School Youth Groups or purchasing 5-3-1 wristbands, email us at  We will communicate back with you on ways to get the Project going in your area.  

You can start with simply presenting the 5-3-1 character ideas to a group of high school students and gathering up 4-6 interested young people to help start a 5-3-1 Club at their high school or start a speaker’s bureau within their youth group.  I will be happy to send you information that high school students can use in organizing clubs and leadership teams, as well as information that will help with preparing for presentations.

We are particularly interested in high school students taking this message to middle school students because of the win-win results that can come from that kind of set-up.  Middle school students look up to high school students, care what they have to say and want to know what they think is important.  High school students want to make a difference in their world and love to learn new skills like speaking to groups of people.

In addition to purchasing wristbands through the website mentioned above, you can also look at the Reclaim Our Culture Store under the section, “The 5-3-1 Project” and find many more products that you can purchase directly.  Fundraiser opportunities are also available for clubs or organizations as well.