ROC Party Ideas

  1. Invite people to a ROC party and let them know ahead of time they will be able to order and pay you for ROC products, which you can then place in one large order (like a Tupperware or Jewelry Party).  Collect more for items so you have money for shipping (unless you plan to cover the shipping) and be sure to keep good records of who orders what and in what sizes.
  2. Order ROC products ahead of time and have a drawing at your party for door prizes.
  3. Make up a half sheet telling people about ROC and have them available at the door to take home.
  4. Find out ahead of time which of your guests served our country and order ROC cards thanking them for their service.
  5. Let people know that you will be collecting a donation of any amount written to your favorite military non-profit organization.  (If you don’t have a favorite, the Semper Fi Fund ( is great).
  6. Pass out copies of the Declaration of Independence at your party.
  7. If the party is a neighborhood group or some other group that knows each other, offer the opportunity to volunteer as a group and set out a sign-up for those interested or a sheet to vote on service projects choices.
  8. Continue to think outside the box for other ideas; stretching your critical thinking skills, which ROC is all about!